You may ask yourselves, just what ARE The Bitch Sessions. Well, I'll tell ya. There are so many things in this world that really get on my nerves. From the people I work with, to the people I hang out with online, to those obnoxious idiots that we all know so well. "But what gives you the right to bitch about other people", you ask. Well, becuz this is my website and I can do what I want. =p But the main reason for me doin this is to get my frustrations out on something other then my boyfriend.
(je t'aime, lime)
Below, I have categorized my "sessions" for easier reading. Read them all, read just one. I don't care. I didn't put this up here for you, I put it up here for me. Deal with it.

Wanna send me your complaints, concerns, observations or just tell me to go play in traffic? Send me some..

To go back to The Flipside...